Here are the rules and instructions for participation in the Scraplift Challenge:
Browse through the gallery called “CT Gallery For The Creative Team Only“. Select a layout that you’d like to scraplift.
Scraplift means using another person’s layout as inspiration. You might copy the theme, the template style, the number of photos, or the overall configuration.
After you’ve selected a CT layout, write down the CT member’s name and the title of their layout (to give them appropriate credit).
Create your own Disney layout using the CT member’s layout for inspiration.
Layouts should be made with 100% Kellybell products or freebies. It is OK to use a template from another designer.
You are welcome to submit more than 1 layout. Please submit a unique layout per challenge.
Post your layout into the SCRAPLIFT GALLERY at Kellybell Designs. Make sure you select “Scraplift Gallery” when you upload your layout.
Before uploading, add into the comment section the CT member’s name and their layout title. For example: Scraplifted Jenn’s Simba and Pumba layout.
Deadline: Friday, 8/4 midnight EST
A random winner will be selected to win a $10 Kellybell gift card.
On Sunday, August 6th, the random winner will be announced, and participation prizes will be emailed.

Here’s the participation prize you’re playing for. Everyone who submits a layout following the instructions posted will receive a participation prize.

Make sure you participate in all the challenges this week, and pick up all the freebies offered. Check out the blog posts this week for instructions and details on all the events.

Summertime Celebration is going on all week. Head over to the Shop to purchase the $10 Grab Bag. Take advantage of the 45% off store-wide sale and the 50% off Vault sale. There are numerous collections and accessories in the Retirement Vault for you to browse through. Lots of savings this week, so stock up on all your favorite collections!

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