Note that image #3 has been updated. It was using an older preview image. Sorry for the confusion.
Here are the rules and instructions to participation in the NSD Scavenger Hunt:
Using the clues on the image above, search through the Kellybell Designs Shop to find the product image that matches the clue.
There are 12 total clues. All clues can be found in the Kit category in the Shop.
Once you’ve found the product matching the clue, write down the exact product name. For example, Incorporated Monsters Kit.
Record your 12 answers in a Google Form HERE. You’ll write the product name for each numbered clue.
Deadline: Sunday, 5/7 midnight EST
All valid submissions will receive a participation prize.
If you’ve answered all 12 clues correctly, you’ll be eligible for the random drawing for a $10 gift card.
On Monday, May 8th, the random winner will be announced, and participation prizes will be emailed.

Here’s the participation prize you’re playing for. Every valid submission will receive a participation prize.

There’s a fabulous $7 NSD Grab Bag available this weekend only. Inside you’ll get 7 products for $1 each. There’s a mini-kit with an alpha, page starters/word art, word flairs, journal cards, snippets and 2 quick pages. Don’t miss out on this amazing deal!

The NSD events are going on all weekend. Head over to the Shop to purchase the Grab Bag and to participate in the 45% off store-wide sale. Check out the other blog posts for instructions and details on all the NSD events.

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