Here are the rules and instructions to participation in the Pin It To Win It Game:
Browse through the Kit category in the Kellybell Designs Shop and pick which kits you’d like to win.
Click on the kit preview to view the full details. From there, Pin the kit image to your own personal Pinterest Boards. This way, the pin links directly back to the kit in the Shop.
After the kit has been pinned, copy the web link of your pin.
Post a comment here in this blog post with the links to your pins. Only post up to 5 links per comment (so the systems doesn’t flag your comment as spam).
You must pin a minimum of 3 kits to qualify for the participation prize.
Submit as many PINs as you want. Make sure you are logged in before leaving your comment, so I’ll have your ID to get your email for sending out the participation prize.
Deadline: Sunday, 5/7 midnight EST
Two random winners will be selected to win one of their pinned kits.
On Monday, May 8th, the random winners will be announced, and participation prizes will be emailed.

Everyone who submits a comment with at least 3 valid Pin links will receive a participation prize. Here’s the prize you’ll get.

There’s a fabulous $7 NSD Grab Bag available this weekend only. Inside you’ll get 7 products for $1 each. There’s a mini-kit with an alpha, page starters/word art, word flairs, journal cards, snippets, and 2 quick pages. Don’t miss out on this amazing deal!

The NSD events are going on all weekend. Head over to the Shop to purchase the Grab Bag and to participate in the 45% off store-wide sale. Check out the other blog posts for instructions and details on all the NSD events.

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