Congrats to the Winners!

The gallery is bursting with gorgeous layouts from all the Hot Summer Fun Challenges. The participation was overwhelming!
Layout Challenge – You guys rocked the Disney Park Entrances! Loved seeing all those beautiful pages in the gallery. The winner of the Hot Summer Fun Layout Challenge is Aussiegirl!
Scraplift Challenge – There are so many wonderful ways to interpret a scraplift inspiration. Thank you for taking our Creative Team member featured layouts to a new level with your own interpretations! The winner of the Hot Summer Fun Scraplift Challenge is 1scrapbooker!
Template Challenge – Templates are a blast to scrap with! So many fabulous layouts using the same structure, plus some very interesting modifications too. They all looked fantastic. The winner of the Hot Summer Fun Template Challenge is Bpowersj!
The winners receive a $10 Shop gift card! Thank you all so much for playing along! The participation prizes will be emailed out later today. Emails to the winners will arrive later today as well.

Hot Summer Fun is happening for just a few more hours. Make sure you pick up this exclusive Grab Bag. It’s just $10 for 10 products. The items included in the Grab Bag are a Mini Kit, Page Starters, Journal Cards, Word Flair, Word Art, Pockets, Snippets, and 3 Quick Pages. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

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