Today is the LAST day of the Summer Stock Up Celebration. I hope you’ve had lots of fun! It’s the last day to purchase the exclusive Summer Stock Up Grab Bag. Don’t miss out on getting 6 new products for $6! The store-wide sale and...
Today is the LAST day of the National Scrapbook Day weekend Celebration. I hope you’ve had lots of fun! It’s the last day to purchase the exclusive NSD Grab Bag. Don’t miss out on getting 6 new products for $6! The store-wide sale ends tonight...
Today is the LAST day of the End of Year Sale! The store-wide sale ends tonight at midnight EST. Plenty of time today to browse through the Kellybell Designs Shop and purchase all your favorite collections. I wish you a very Happy New Year and...
Today is the LAST day of the Digital Scrapbook Day weekend Celebration. I hope you’ve had lots of fun! It’s the last day to purchase the exclusive DSD Grab Bag. Don’t miss out on getting 6 new products for $6! The store-wide sale ends tonight...
Today is the LAST day of the 10 Year Anniversary Celebration. I hope you’ve had lots of fun! It’s the last day to purchase the exclusive Anniversary Grab Bag. Don’t miss out on getting 10 new products for $10! The store-wide sale and Vault reopening...
This week, I’m hosting 2 Instagram contests. Both offer you a chance to win a free kit! The contests start on Monday, 8/10 and finish on Friday, 8/15. Want a chance to win a free kit? Follow these simple steps. First, follow @KellybellDesigns on Instagram. ...
National Scrapbooking Day is coming up this weekend. Let’s have some Pre-NSD fun! Would you like to win a Kellybell Designs kit of your choice? Follow these 3 easy steps and I’ll select a 2 winners on Thursday night.
Over this last month, I’ve been busy making some major additions and some minor improvements to my website. All in the spirit of making it easier for you to browse and navigate through all my news, products and social connections. I’m so excited to share...
The Remember the Magic series is back! Every other Monday over the next few months, we will be showcasing previously released collections from the store. That’s not all – for these showcased collections, there are NEW add-on element packs to update and enhance the collection....
Take a trip to the seaside with Minnie this week for a wonderful early morning meal before a day full of Disney fun! Kelly’s new collection this week, Reservations with Minnie Breakfast Bash is perfect for this fun character dining experience at Cape May Cafe,...
Happy DSD! Check out all the fun this weekend here at Kellybell Designs: Store-wide 40% Off Sale Kellybell Designs entire store will be on sale at 40% off starting on Friday 10/5 thru midnight Sunday 10/7. Browse through the store and add all your favorites...
Are you ready for the next installment of Kellybell Designs exciting new Remember the Magic promotion? Every Monday over the next few months, Kelly will be returning several of her previously retired collections back into the store for their permanent home. These collections will be on...